Hello! I'll be brief today. A colleague of mine, Josh Del Sol from Take Back Your Power worked with Dr. Martin Pall (A top EMF Scientist) to compile 139 scientific studies on how 5G affects our health into a powerful book called "5GRisk: The Scientific Perspective." Best Part? You can get the entire book for free at the link below: >>>> Click here to download "5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective (Completely Free Ebook) Also, when you download the ebook, you'll also get a free seat to the upcoming 5G Crisis Summithappening on August 26th. I can't tell you how important I think this book is. The research in it is outstanding, and with the help of Josh, Dr. Pall and his team were able to compile it in a way that is simple to digest. Also, if there are any skeptics that you don't mind confronting, this book could help them understand that 5G poses a real and verifiable risk. So, go grab your book while it's still free. Your friend in health, Christian Thomas 5G is the next generation of cellular technology. Nobody really knows what the health impacts are going to be. Residents of Geneva in Switzerland reported feeling bad literally overnight, following the activation of 5G wireless in the city. Common symptoms reported were insomnia, tinnitus and headaches. What is absolutely clear is that we ALL need to improve our EMF protection. There is always something you can do to reduce your exposure. To this end, Josh del Sol has created an 18 page report 7 Essential Ways To Make Your Home Safe From EMFs. The report shares 30+ ways to make your home safer (not 7 as it says on the cover). You're not going to be able to apply all of the tips. Just do one of them today, that will be a step in the right direction. Then refer back to the report in a few weeks or so to apply another tip. --->>Click here to gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this 18-page report on EMFs Get this report, and you'll also save a seat for the online event 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit starting on August 26 I've already bought the paid version of the event — the content is solid. But you can get access to the whole summit for FREE from August 26 – September 1. Here: https://the5gsummit.com/reg-gift/?idev_id=11469 (Copy/paste this link into your browser if the link doesn't work) Lloyd Burrell ElectricSense Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world! EMF protection is IMPORTANT please share ElectricSense emails with your friends and colleagues. * See https://www.illustre.ch/magazine/5g-sentons-cobayes (the article is in French but you can use Google translate to put it in English) Support my work: visit my EMF protection store http://www.electricsense.com/emf-protection-store/ Brussels Bans 5G! Fears for the health of citizens has led Brussels to ban the deployment of 5G.With its stricter radiation safety levels than the US, in order for Brussels to even legally entertain the idea of rolling out 5G, their regulations around radiation levels had to be made 'less strict'. And this was done in July. Working closely with three of the major telecom companies, the government of Brussels 'relaxed' their radiation safety standards to allow the new levels of radiation emitted by 5G antennas to be legally permitted. People Of Brussels "Not Guinea Pigs" But, after relaxing these safety levels, it became apparent to the Brussels government that the actual amount of radiation given off by 5G was not truly known. This prompted the Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region who overseas the Environment, Energy and Quality of Life to renege on the deal made with the telecom giants and halt the roll out of 5G. The Brussels Minister of Government stated: “I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not. The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt.” 5G: "The Stupidest Idea in The History of the World" According to Dr. Martin Pall, a Washington State University Professor, "Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world”. To date, 5G has not been tested for its effects on human, animal or plant life. What's more, the addition of these high-millimeter waves to the already complex mix of lower frequencies (the previous 3G, 4G networks) will surely create a new mix of radiations whose biological effects on life is completely unknown. "The new 5G technology utilizes high-frequency millimeter waves (MMW), which give off the same dose of radiation as airport scanners. Continuous exposure in close proximity to people’s homes and workplaces may pose serious risks." Only Thermal Effects Considered So, what is the proverbial red tape that continually allows these high levels of radiation to be legally allowed in countries such as the US? It is the fact that many governments, including the US, only consider the thermal effects of radiation when setting so-called safety levels, while completely ignoring the biological effects the radiation has. The 'thermal-only model' of radiation is outdated, as there have been hundreds if not thousands of published peer-reviewed studies clearly showing that there are biological effects that occur within the body from exposure to radiation. These biological effects are cumulative and have been linked to cancer, infertility, mental illness as well as a host of chronic degenerative disorders and diseases. Source: Brussels Bans 5G I’ve heard some of my colleagues/EMF activists who are actively spreading the word about EMFs on podcasts, on stage and during conferences say that “the roll-out of 5G is inevitable”. Each time I hear that, I ask myself… “Is this the truth? Is 5G really inevitable?” When you dive a bit deeper, you quickly realize that we’re playing in the realm of opinions, notfacts. Industry, FCC: 5G is inevitable, people want it, nothing can stop it. It’s already here! Independent scientists, communications infrastructure experts, and people who don’t have a vested interest in 5G:
If this is what you’ve been doing so far, it means you’ve fallen victim to the PR messages carefully crafted by top communications specialists hired by Big Wireless (and these guys are goooood, and paid a lot of $$$$). If you want to help stop 5G -- halt the rollout in your city -- wake people up or learn more about the health effects -- protect your family -- prevent a cell tower from being installed right in front of your home where your kids play… ...then you need to listen to the right experts on 5G. They’re all coming together for the first time during this free summit: ===> Register 100% for free to the 5G Crisis Summit (starts in late August) In case you’re new to summits, remember that they are 100% free to watch. If you haven’t registered already, I recommend doing so right now to make sure you get notified when it goes live on August 26th. I’ll be personally binging through all the talks and have already purchased all the replays (totally optional for you, but mandatory for the EMF Guy). Remember: 5G is as inevitable as we make it. Nick Sources: 1. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-downside-of-5g-overwhelmed-cities-torn-up-streets-a-decade-until-completion-11561780801 2. https://www.downtoearth.org.in/interviews/science-technology/-telecom-industry-did-no-research-on-health-impacts-of-5g--63723 3. In his book Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks, published by the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy Washington, DC. You can read it in full at http://electromagnetichealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ReInventing-Wires-1-25-18.pdf. If you read the book want to support this work, please contact James S. Turner, Esq., Chairman ([email protected]) or Camilla R. G. Rees, MBA, Senior Policy Advisor, National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy ([email protected]) 5G Cell Towers – What They Are, How They Work, and Why It Matters, written by Christian August 6, 2019
Christian from EMF Academy explains all about the new 5G wave that is coming to a neighborhood near you. 5G Small Cell Photos and RF RadiationEver wondered how much radiation is that 5G smallcell is emitting?
5G Small Cells on street lamp and light signals in Midtown Manhattan, NY. Note the RF radiation level tops the Handy Meter at a distance of about 20ft over 100,000 uW/m2. Refuse to Deploy 5G Until Proven Safe... Actions To Halt 5G Begin The efforts of the FCC to deploy 5G before anyone figures out it hasn't been proven safe is being thwarted in the US by a number of US Cities that are deploying legal actions to thwart its roll out. New Hampshire has passed a 5G Bill HB 522 which questions why the FCC is ignoring evidence that 5G is dangerous to health. “Why have 1,000s of peer-reviewed studies, including the recently published U.S. Toxicology Program 16-year $30 million study, that are showing a wide range of statistically significant DNA damage, brain and heart tumors, infertility, and so many other ailments, being ignored by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC)?” and, “Why have more than 220 of the worlds leading scientists signed an appeal to the WHO and the United Nations to protect public health from wireless radiation and nothing has been done?” US Cities Passing Resolutions Against 5G Various US Cities are taking action against the roll out of 5G. By placing restrictions on the installment of 5G Small Cells, these cities hope to stop the installation of the Internet of Things within their territory.
Countries Say No To 5G Switzerland, Netherlands, Russia, Italy and Belgium are amongst the nations taking actions against the roll out of 5G. Belgium has cited radiation concerns while Italy has stated that 5G causes damage to the body. Russia has refused to allow transmission of any 5G frequencies due to health concerns from the radiation. Netherlands says that radiation research needs to come first, rather than the deployment of 5G. Switzerland is officially halting the roll out of 5G by not allowing any permits to be issued for Small Cells. Switzerland says 5G needs to be proven safe before it will be allowed. Source: https://ehtrust.org/international-actions-to-halt-and-delay-5g/ Hello, Is your cell phone spying on you? (Come on Lloyd, you can't be serious!!) I am. And it is. Does it really matter? You’re no criminal, right? Should you protect yourself in any case? In this guest post, Lois Cadwallader answers all these questions and more and shares 15 ways you can protect yourself: See https://www.electricsense.com/cell-phone-spying/ (If the above link doesn't work copy/paste it into your browser.) Lloyd Burrell ElectricSense Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world! P.S. Just in case you don't believe me, references are also included here https://www.electricsense.com/cell-phone-spying/ Hundreds of Birds dropped Dead From the Sky During 5G Test in The Netherlands In 2018, hundreds of birds fell from the sky in The Hague, the Netherlands, during a 5G experiment to see how large the range was and whether the new wireless technology would cause any harm in the local area. But 5G is deployed worldwide anyway! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah8Bpg6ep1k
The Vienna Medical Association of Austria has released a Safety Guidelines for Cell Phone usage. They said they were releasing these Guidelines because there is evidence that cell phones and smart phones "are not as safe as providers claim". 1. Make calls as short and little as possible – use a landline or write SMS. Children and teenagers under 16 years old should carry cell phones only for emergencies! 2. Distance is your friend- Keep the phone away from body during connection of Phone. Pay attention to the manufacturer’s safer distance recommendation in the manual, keep a distance during the call set-up from the head and body. Take advantage of the built-in speakerphone or a headset! 3. When using headsets or integrated hands-free, do not position mobile phones directly on the body – special caution applies here for pregnant women. For men, mobile phones are a risk to fertility if Mobile is stowed in Trouser pockets. Persons with electronic implants (pacemakers, insulin pumps et cetera) must pay attention to distance. Unless otherwise possible, use coat pocket, backpack or purse. 4. Do not use cell phones in vehicles (car, bus, train) calls – without an external antenna, the radiation in the vehicle is higher. In addition, you will be distracted and you bother in public transport the other passengers! 5. During the car when driving should be an absolute ban on SMS and internetworking – the distraction leads to self-endangerment and endangering other road users! 6. Make calls at home and at work via the fixed corded (not wireless) network – Internet access via LAN cable (eg via ADSL, VDSL, fiber optic) no Radiation, is fast and secure data transfer. Constant radiation emitters like DECT cordless telephones, WLAN access points, data sticks and LTE Home base stations (Box, Cube etc.) should be avoided! 7. Go offline more often or use Airplane mode – Remember that for functions such as listening to music, camera, alarm clock, calculator or offline games an internet connection is not always required! 8. Fewer apps means less radiation – Minimize the number of apps and disable the most unnecessary background services on your smartphone. Disabling “Mobile services” / “data network mode” turns the smartphone again into a cell phone. You can still be reached, but avoid a lot of unnecessary radiation by background traffic! 9. Avoid Mobile phone calls in places with poor reception (basement, elevator etc) as it increases transmission power. Use in poor reception Area a headset or the speakerphone! 10. Buy cell phones with an external antenna connection! Source:Austrian Government Recommends Reducing Cell Phone Radiation Your Brain On Wireless Radiation According to the scientists and EMF experts at the Environmental Health Trust, a non-profit Watchdog EMF Group, there is "scientific evidence" that exposure to wireless radiofrequency (RF) radiation has a neurotoxic effect on the brain. In laymen's terms, this means it is harmful to the brain and its functioning. "Research indicates that exposure to wireless radiation can harm the brain. Experiential research has found that exposure reduces brain cells and causes brain cell death in the memory and learning centers of the brain. Research also has fund DNA damage in the brain from EMF exposures." While neurotixicity is harmful for all ages, its effects on developing children's brains can be much more severe than on the fully developed brain of an adult. The Radiation Damaged Brain Animal studies show that brains exposed to RF radiation while in the womb develop increased hyperactivity and impaired memory. These studies also showed an overall abnormal brain development. Studies done on humans exposed to cell phone radiation showed that increased exposure to the RF radiation was linked to an increase in behaviourial problems. Addition studies done on rats showed that as little as one hour of exposure to cell phone radiation per day kills brain cells. "Research from Turkish scientists Bas, Odaci, Sonmez, Kaplan and colleagues found significant brain cell damage within the hippocampus and cerebellum of rats following exposure to cell phone radiation frequencies." FCC Made Aware of Neurotoxic Effect This study showing the death of brain cells prompted Dr. Kaplan, one of the researchers, to contact the FCC in regards to them re-evaluating their current 'safety' levels for RF radiation exposure. The outdated method of deriving 'safe' levels of RF radiation is to continue to make the assumption that only ionizing radiation is strong enough to be harmful and that if there is no obvious tissue healing from the exposure, there can be no damage. Unfortunately, for the public, both of these assumptions have been proven erroneous based on new research. Source: Brain Development, Cell Phones and Wireless Cyprus Hospital Goes Back to Wired internet in Pediatric Units The Archbishop Makarios III Hospital in Cyprus has announced that they are replacing their wireless internet connections with wired internet connections. They are implementing this in their Pediatric and Neonatal Units. They say they are doing it to protect the children's health. EMF/RF Never Adequately Evaluated in Terms of Safety In the Hospital's Press Release dated June 24th of 2019, the President of the Cyprus Committee on the Environment and Children's Health, Dr. Stella Canna Michaelido, stated that "the issue of EMF/RF is a very serious and universal Public Health problem, as it affects the whole population. On the basis of the Scientific Evidence and the Precautionary Principle, the matter needs to be and can be addressed directly, by reducing active / passive exposure and technology abuse. The basic tool for achieving the goal is raising risk awareness. Because ignorance of the risk, advertisements and misinformation cause an extreme enthusiasm and growing children’s dependence on devices and applications. Potential negative impacts of the immediate and long-term use of those devices by children has never been adequately evaluated in terms of safety for their mental and physical development." Children As Experimental Animals The Hospital stated that the reason for going back to wired internet connections in their Pediatric and Neonatal Units is to protect the children. “Even if the risks are not yet universally accepted by a limited number of scientists, considering their seriousness and the existing scientific evidence, we are not entitled to exposing our children to them,practically turning them into experimental animals." The Minister of Health for Cyprus has fully backed the Hospital's decision and stated that "the Ministry of Health recognizes that the results of research on the health effects of the electronic cloud(i.e from EMF/RF) and other negative environmental phenomena are no longer considered as hypotheses. But these are rather scientific evidence demonstrating the harmful effects of human exposure to an altered natural environment on physical, spiritual and mental human health". The Cyprus Commissioner of the Environment also supports the Hospital's decision and Awareness Campaign. She states that "there is an urgent need to inform and raise awareness about the need to drastically reduce the use and exposure of children and embryos to radiation. Especially at home and at school where children spend at least 60-90% of their time – depending on their age". Public Awareness Campaign The Archbishop Makarios Hospital is the first Hospital to take a stand and eliminate wireless radiation within their Pediatric and Neonatal Units. In addition, they are embarking upon a Public Awareness Campaign to help reduce both the active and passive exposure levels of children to non-ionizing radiation as is emitted by wireless technologies within schools, hospitals and homes through educating the public on the health hazards of EMF/RF. Source: Hospital Replaces Wireless Internet with Wired Harvard Medical School Report... Pediatric Neurologist Finds EMF & Autism Link Dr. Martha Herbert is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and the author of the published Harvard Medical School Report detailing the links between EMF exposure and Autism. She is also a Pediatric Neurologist and Neuroscientist at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Dr. Herbert's Report is titled "Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a Pathophysiological l.ink". In the report, Dr. Herbert breaks down how the brain works and how exposure to electromagnetic frequencies affect the brain. Her in depth research has led her to conclude that Autism is less something that is "hard-wired" into the brain in utero but something that is generated "moment to moment" by a "physiologically challenged" brain. How EMFs Affect the Developing Brain Dr. Herbert's research on EMFs and the brain shows that one of the main challenges developing brains face is the stress of EMF exposure. As the brain is electrical in nature, its functioning is highly affected by both electrical and magnetic frequencies. According to Dr. Herbert's report, EMF and RFR (radiofrequency or microwave radiation) are toxins to the brain that alter basic brain function, also referred to as brain metabolism. The Parallels of EMF Exposure & Autism The damage to the brain caused by exposure to both EMFs and RFR mimic that damage seen in the brains of those who are Autistic. Some of the shared damage seen is overall cellular stress, leakiness of the blood brain barrier and gut blood barrier as well as genetic mutations. The damage to cells caused by EMF and RFR exposure also mimics the same damage seen in cells of those who are Autistic.Mitochondrial dysfunction, disturbed immune function, and death of brain cells. EMF/RFR exposure is also associated with the same markers of immune dysfunction as is Autism, as well as the same markers for nervous system disturbances, such as disturbed sleep, poor sleep quality and altered brainwaves. Dr. Herbert's Conclusion on EMFs & Autism According to Dr. Herbert, both EMFs and RFR are "a brain irritant". They cause the brain to alter its function, become impaired in many processes and inflame, eventually resulting in a comprised immune system, a leaky gut and an imbalanced nervous system. The same brain issues associated with exposure to EMFs and RF Radiation with are seen in those with Autism, leading Dr. Herbert to conclude that: "EMF is a contributor to causing and worsening Autism...reducing EMF exposures should reduce severity andincidence of Autism". Source: EMFs and Autism? This is a very common question I get from health practitioners, athletes and laypeople alike: “How Bad Are Bluetooth Devices?" My answer: it depends. But let me tell you a quick story before I explain why. Last year, Gen received a pair of special headphones which can read your brainwaves at night with the goal of optimizing sleep. She had purchased this cool gadget around 2015, as part of a “Kickstarter” (crowdfunding platform) -- before she knew about EMFs. When she received the gadget… she cringed and looked at me. “Nick” she said… “These are Bluetooth -- I simply can’t use them… they have to stay connected all night long to track my sleep.” I was of course very proud of her, but I also wanted to verify if there was any way we could turn off the Bluetooth signal -- and also assess how much exposure this gadget would lead to at night. I tested these “sleep-tracking headphones” with a few basic EF meters like the Acoustimeter 2, my Cornet ED88T, my RD10 and various other meters I have around. As soon as the headphones were connected to Gen’s iPhone, the EMF levels right at the head level were through the ROOF -- and I could measure more than 6 volts per meter in the microwave radiation frequency range (this range includes Bluetooth, wifi, cell phones, cell towers, etc.). What does that mean? Basically, it meant that this gadget went over what is considered the upper safety radiation limit in Switzerland, Belgium, China, Russia and many other countries who have adopted lower EMF standards of 6 V/m decades ago. This doesn’t mean that 6 V/m is safe though -- definitely far from it. To give you some perspective, the Bioinitiative Report is one of the many groups who has done an extensive review of the available science and recommended levels of exposure of 0.0003 uW/cm2 in the radiofrequency range, which equals 0.03 V/m! (doing the math, that’s 200 times lower…) And the extreme irony here is that the company manufacturing this sleep-tracking gadget simply DOESN’T know that keeping a cell phone connected via Bluetooth right next to your head + headphones emitting extreme levels of EMFs on your head = very likely negatively impacts your sleep quality and might very well increase your risks of long-term cancers. Unfortunately, most Bluetooth devices these days are extremely powerful -- and you could stay connected to most of them even if you were many feet away. The Conclusion: If you want to minimize your EMF exposure… Bluetooth devices are best avoided. This includes Fitbit and other fitness trackers (the ONLY exception being the Oura Ring I wear to track my sleep, which I set to “Airplane mode” at all times), Bluetooth headphones, and even most Bluetooth sensors of all types for the home -- which all emit very high levels of EMFs. I would personally encourage everyone who wants to minimize the risks associated with stupid EMF-emitting technology to avoid Bluetooth devices altogether -- ESPECIALLY any device that would touch your body (includes a wireless mouse and keyboard, by the way!). Sorry to be the bearer of bad news… but that’s part of my role here. Before we finally have tech companies who wake the heck up and start figuring out ways to reduce the radiation emitted by their wireless gadget by a million fold (or more)… I would focus on “UN-smarting” your life. Nick Pinealt |